Tuesday, October 8, 2013

How to Make a Custom Bean Bag Toss Game

I can hardly believe this time a year ago I was just days away from from getting married!  To celebrate I'm going to be posting the rest of the wedding-project related posts that have been sitting in draft form through out the month of October.  For more wedding projects check out my Wedding Fun tab...

Here is my super serious 'how to make your own cornhole/bean bag toss game' tutorial. (<---sarcasm font.)

First, go to a Dave Matthews Concert at Citifield in 2010 with a bunch of your friends and have a FANTASTIC time.

This was our amazing half tent that we pre-gamed under.  It was windy so it was easier to hold down at half staff. I was going to post more pictures, but realized they were slightly inappropriate - let's just say I won a LOT of beer pong games that day.  If you look closely, you'll see the cornhole game on the right side of the picture.

Have one of your friends bring their own cornhole set (also known as bean bag toss) and have him leave it in your trunk for three years (Thanks Chris!).

Decide you want to make your own cornhole game for guests to play at your wedding several years before said wedding.  Bookmark (pre-pinterest!) some really good tutorials on how to make them from scratch like this one and this one.

Have all sorts of grand ideas about making this from scratch.  Fast forward to one month before your wedding, and realize you don't have the time to make it yourself, and recall that you still have your friend's game in the trunk of your car. Insert maniacal laugh here.

Start by giving a quick sanding and wipe down to the front of the boards. I used a spray primer and still had to give these guys about three light coats before I was able to fully cover the old markings. I was also feeling a little impatient, and the day was a little humid, which may have contributed to my not so stellar coating of spray paint.

Try your hand at your new silhouette cameo and adhesive vinyl. Ditch the vinyl when it keeps ripping on you, and create stencils for hand painting.

Rejected...Here comes another layer of spray paint since the vinyl
ripped the paint off!

Empty Silhouette boxes are also a great place to rest your work while you paint. 

Once the paint is dry, give it one last coat of spray sealant to make it smooth for the bean bags to slide off of it. Enlist a friend to cover the bean bags with extra fabric from some other projects from the wedding like this.

The other side said "Mr." and had a top hat!

Set up at the wedding and enjoy!  

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