
Thursday, April 14, 2016

ORC: The Big Boy Room - Inspiration {Week 2}

So last week you saw the glorious 70's vibe this  big boy room was throwing out when we purchased our home just under two years ago.

We ripped up the rugs and had the floors redone before moving in. And there it sat as a catchall until last Fall when we found out we were expecting #2.

It's a small room, but rather bright, and the blank wall to the right, opposite the doorway, just seemed perfect for something in the 'statement wall' category.

I had it in my head I was going to do a 'paint by number' mural for several weeks. Something like these:

via EasterWiki
via Apartment Therapy

This last picture was something I remember seeing on a blog YEARS ago and this is only link I was able to find that sourced the photographer. Apparently this is a room for rent at a camp/retreat facility in Illinois.

Camp Wandawega

But the more I looked into it, and tried to source my own paint by number painting from Ebay (as many sites had suggested) the more I realized I was biting off more than I could chew. And admitting that is a lot for me.  Maybe if this was a first kid project, but definitely not for a mom of a toddler.

So it was back to the drawing board, so to speak. We have a mixture of an outer space/safari animal theme in the nursery (I'll show you someday, "I pomise"), so I kinda wanted to go a little woodland creature with this one.  William is not quite old enough to have a major opinion on these things, so lucky for Tom and I, we get to make all the decisions ourselves.  Tom voted for an awesome toddler bed, of the car or airplane or something else of the really cool variety, and I kept looking for wall inspiration.

Then I saw this image on CupofJo:

And I loved the simplicity of the black and white image, allowing everything else that is kid related to be in-your-face colorful, as it happens to be regardless of how much I protest.  This was a photo they found on Ebay that was blown up and made into a wallpaper. But instead of going through old pictures, it got me thinking...oh...wallpaper murals....

Maybe like this one?

The price was right, the size was right, it had decent we purchased it from Anthropologie. Months ago, to be honest.  Yes, we thought we'd actually have this room done by Christmas, hahahahahahaahahaahahaha. But! We have made a ton of progress in the past few weekends thanks to some great grandparents that have been coming over to watch the human tornado while Tom and I work upstairs.  And this weekend, we will attempt to put this bad boy up. Wish us luck!

Week 2 of 6 of One Room Challenge in the books. Week 33 of sobriety!  What will come first, the thrilling conclusion to this bedroom makeover, or the baby!?!?  NOBODY KNOWS!!!! 


  1. Love, love, love that wallpaper. That's going to look gorgeous!

  2. Any of these would look amazing ! Good luck!

  3. Love what you chose!! And good for you for going on the "easier" route vs. paint by number. It'll be gorgeous!

  4. Kayla I adore the direction that your room is headed towards! You did SO much better than I did in my room this week.

    I would love for you to share this post at Thoughts of Home on Thursday. I think our readers would really enjoy it!

    Good luck in the upcoming week!

  5. I love that mural. It was used in a dining room ORC and looked fabulous. Looking forward to seeing what you do!

  6. Love that wallpaper - can't wait to see what else you have planned for the room!

  7. Love the paint by number concept but yes it looks like quite a project. I think the wallpaper mural will be a nice alternative and is probably more versatile. Can't wait to see where this goes.
