
Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Christmas Card...Christmas Tree?

Are you Christmas'd out yet?  I know this post is a few days late, but this is what happens when your awesome fiance surprises you with a REAL Christmas tree just days before Christmas:

Coming home to a real tree is pretty high up there on the awesome surprise list for me.  How sweet is my guy?  Once I got over the fact that we had our first real tree to decorate, I realized, I was short on decorations.  I already have decorations for our small fake green tree (traditional Scandinavian decorations such as Norwegian flags, fuzzy Julenissens and straw ornaments) and our small white tree (bold gold, lime green and purple balls, and some shimmery icicles and garland).  But now I had a third huuuge tree to decorate. Most of us would jump at the excuse to go out and buy decorations, but I knew my mother would be getting rid of some stuff this year, so I exercised some discretion and told myself there had to be something around the house I could use.

I was also getting annoyed with our holiday cards getting knocked off of our buffet table by the cats. So I figured maybe, just maybe, I could hang up the holiday cards on the tree.  I'll be honest, I was not sold at first.  But as I filled it with some left over ornaments from prior years (I used to go all baby blue and violet in a fairy whimsy motif) it actually came together pretty nicely.

 Nothing truly matches, and I committed a personal sin of mixing white lights with colored lights. But - I don't hate it! (Which means I kinda love it.) I am now convinced that any tree that is jam packed with ornaments looks great, regardless of what it is jam packed with.  I don't know if I'll actually do this again next year, but I am really happy with how it turned out this year! Bonus points for solving my holiday card issue, and it was 100% free. 

Check out one of my favorite gifts we received this year:

Hope you had a happy holiday weekend!

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